Matt’s stats

26 years in the industry
Ranked #1 for most contracts accepted in a multiple offer situation: 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 in Florida (public record data)
Ranked #1 for most loans closed, #4 for top dollar volume in the nation in 2023 (Scotsman Guide)
2023 – closed loans: 1,188, total volume: $373.1M (public record data)
2023 – purchase share: 94% / refi share: 6% (public record data)
2023 – 140 speaking engagements; 140 agent luncheons and seminars, attendance ranging from 50-700 real estate agents per event
Has helped more than 26,000 families purchase their first home
CrossCountry Mortgage stats

#1 Retail Mortgage Lender in the nation (Scotsman Guide and Mortgage Executive Magazine)
Financed 1 of every 44 home purchases in 2023 (public record data)
Employs 3,000+ highly trained loan originators across a network of 800+ branches nationwide
Closed almost $14 billion in loans in 2023
Inc. 5000 recognition 10 years in a row

“32 years in the business. It was the best presentation I ever went to. So happy I came.” – Janice M.
“Thank you for showing us a new way to win in this business. This is the right way to disrupt the real estate market!” – Kristie K.
“The most informative seminar I have been to, maybe ever. Thinking outside the box was a huge help given the current state of our commissions.” – Lynda S.
“You added so much value. Your presentation had so much impact because you not only dealt with the what? and the why?, but you provided a clear path to the how? Priceless!” – Pascale R.
“Last year was my best year yet in the business, and I believe that this is partly because I stopped fooling around with other lenders who hit me up, and focused on funneling my clients exclusively to you.” – Alishia P.
“It was the best 2.5 hours I’ve spent with a Mortgage Originator. I kick myself for not knowing your products two years ago. I love the way you think outside the box and how much value you give to agents.” – Karen S.