Eight Gardening Tips to Make Your Summer Bloom

To help keep your plants, flowers, and crops looking spectacular, here are our team's tips and tricks.

Get your green thumb growing!

From annuals to melons, our gardens make summer one of the most beautiful – and delicious – times of the year. To help keep your plants, flowers, and crops looking spectacular, here are our team's tips and tricks.

  1. Annuals and container plantings get a boost from foliar fertilizer. Feed these plants kelp and seaweed fertilizers or fish emulsion products every two weeks for quicker blooms.
  2. Perennial plants should be trimmed back to remove dead flower spikes and seed pods and make these gorgeous flowers stand out.
  3. Weeds giving you the worries? Add a layer of mulch to help keep them out of sight.
  4. Annual flowers need deadheading to reach their full bloom. To do so, pinch off faded flowers and seed pods to encourage more growth.
  5. Cool-season crops – like peas, broccoli, and lettuce – should be pulled to make way for new varieties. Add compost or aged manure afterward to get your next round of crops ready for fall.
  6. Square borers are a common summer pest. If you find mushy sawdust or holes in your vegetable vines, dig out the bugs and bury the vines to save your plants.
  7. Herbs need a haircut to produce as long as possible.
  8. Warm-season crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons will provide regular bounties. To share summer's rewards, give excess crops to your neighbors or your local food bank.