31 Fun Summer Activities for the Summer

Try a new way to get outside every day of the month!

Remember childhood days enjoying the summer sun? We certainly do. And we continue to share those memories through activities with our family today. To that end, here are some of our favorite things to do that let us relieve some nostalgia and have fun with our kids and friends alike!

  1. Collect and paint pet rocks
  2. Press leaves and flowers into a scrapbook
  3. Enjoy storytime outside
  4. Practice photography in nature
  5. Have a picnic with garden ingredients
  6. Go on a nature scavenger hunt
  7. Hug a tree
  8. Keep an outdoor journal
  9. Stargaze on a clear night
  10. Catch a lightning bug
  11. Puddle stomp after a storm
  12. Look for shapes in the clouds
  13. Take an outdoor nap
  14. Have a bonfire
  15. Identify the plants in your yard
  16. Climb a tree
  17. Make a daisy or clover crown
  18. Set up an outdoor movie night
  19. Birdwatch in the backyard
  20. Set up a lemonade stand
  21. Fly a kite
  22. Learn how to do a cartwheel
  23. Play frisbee golf with laundry baskets
  24. Create a waterpark at home
  25. Ride bikes around the neighborhood
  26. Have a water balloon fight
  27. Make a mini-golf course in your yard
  28. Host an egg and spoon race
  29. Play catch with a ball
  30. Learn a new outdoor sport
  31. Have a water gun war