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21 Social Media Tips for Realtors® in 2021

In recent years, social media has become an amazing tool for companies to connect with consumers. As it continues to gain positive traction, we see social media as a phenomenal asset for real estate marketing. Here are 21 social media tips and facts to kickstart your 2021!

Social Media Facts and Tips:

  1. 47% of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest quality of leads over any other sources.
  2. 99% of millennials (and 90% of baby boomers) begin their home search online, as opposed to using in-person referrals.
  3. According a study from the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), Facebook (97%), LinkedIn (59%), and Instagram (39%) are the top picks for real estate professionals.
  4. Facebook’s demographics allow you to target users by income and age, resulting in a sharper focus on the best prospects for your listings.
  5. Use the Instagram and Facebook Stories features to highlight quick, personalized property updates every day without cluttering followers’ feeds.
  6. The overall best times to post on Facebook are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 9 a.m. or between 1-2 p.m.
  7. The best day to post for media on Facebook is Tuesday, but Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5 p.m. or Friday between 8-9 a.m. would yield the most views.
  8. The overall best times to post on Instagram are Wednesday at 11 a.m. and Friday between 10-11 a.m.
  9. The best time to post for media on Instagram is Friday at 9 a.m.
  10. Daily log-ins on Instagram run second only to Facebook. Instagram is projected to increase its user base, so if you aren’t using the platform, this is the perfect time to create your account.
  11. LinkedIn is great for specific target audiences. Generally, posting on LinkedIn is to share conversations with those in the same field of work. With hyper-targeted campaigns, it could be used for brand recognition, but it is best suited for B2B rather than B2C.
  12. Brand consistency is key. Keep to your core colors when posting across all channels.
  13. Make a good impression by responding to messages and comments in a timely manner, just like you do your Google reviews.
  14. Consider using tech tools like SproutSocial to help your social media posting. Facebook and Instagram also have scheduling capabilities. We recommend sitting down once a month to review your content calendar and build it out before scheduling to post.
  15. Write down common questions your clients are asking and use them as inspiration to make written or video content.
  16. A/B testing is your friend! A/B testing shows two different variants of the same ad (or campaign landing page) to visitors. It compares which variant drives more conversions.
  17. If you decide to launch a social media campaign to attract clients to a particular property, consider A/B testing your social media ad so you can improve content for future properties.
  18. When posting original content, make sure to have your name, handle, contact information, or anything else that keeps you relevant. Pro tip: don’t put all of those in the post unless it’s showcasing a house you’re listing.
  19. Analytics are your friends. Tag your ads so you know where your conversions are coming from. Monitor it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  20. Learn to adapt. What worked 3 months ago may not be your best move today.
  21. Do what makes you happy. Your social media can be both professional and reflect your personality.

Social media is not an exact science, but there are proven methodologies to maximize your results. As research shows, millennials and Gen Z are moving into the buying bracket, combining to be one of the largest groups ever to shift from renting to owning. They are certainly the biggest group to rely on social media to influence their decision-making. Your continued success in real estate will require social media savvy. Embrace it now!

Follow the Jen Martinez Team for more information on social media hacks and tips, mortgage advice, and more!

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