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November 2023 Rate Watch Report

Welcome to November, everyone! It's time for another Rate Watch Report with Jeff McGinnis from Cross Country Mortgage. In this video, we're diving into the latest updates on bond charts, inflation, and job statistics.

📊 Let's start with the Bond Charts:
We'll be analyzing the Mortgage-Backed Securities market, which directly impacts 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. Learn how this market functions, its influence on rates, and what the current charts are showing as of November 2nd. We'll explore the resistance and support levels, giving you a clearer picture of what's happening.

💹 Moving on to Inflation:
We're delving into the Core PCE, one of the Fed's favored indicators for inflation. By examining the trends from July to September, you'll gain valuable insights into inflation's direction. Jeff will discuss why the Fed may be holding off on further rate hikes based on this data, helping you make informed financial decisions.

📈 Last but not least, Jobs:
Unemployment rates for August and September have remained relatively stable, but there's more to the story. Jeff will touch on potential changes in job descriptions and compensation that could impact the job market down the road. Stay informed about what the Fed is watching closely regarding employment data.

Remember, it's essential to verify information, especially when it comes to inflation and job market news. Jeff advises doing your research to ensure you're well-informed and not swayed by sensationalized headlines.

And for those considering buying a home, Jeff shares strategies to navigate the current market, including temporary interest rate reductions and refinancing options. He also highlights a unique offer of no lender costs for refinancing with Cross Country Mortgage.

Whether you're in the market for a home or just seeking financial guidance, Jeff is here to help you make informed decisions. Enjoy the video, and remember to stay informed to make the best choices for your financial future. We'll talk to you soon!