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Stop The Scroll With Irresistible Content Hooks

The key to any piece of content is THE HOOK / HEADLINE.

This is the 80/20 balance of content writing.

Get the hook right and you’ll capture attention and have people engage with your content. If they’re scrolling, and the hook isn’t right, the rest of your content won’t matter.

Types of Hooks

Result Based Hooks: Open with big and flashy information.

Example A: Fast results

  • How I got X Result in Y Timeframe

  • How my client got X Result in Y Timeframe

Example B: The yay without the yuck

  • How to get X Result without Y Frustration / Obstacle

  • How my client got X Result without Y Frustration / Obstacle

This is based on the PROMISE of your program. Can you be specific about the frustration or obstacle? How Sally lost 20 lbs without counting calories.

Shocking Statement Hooks: They say “no way!” or “that’s not possible”

  • The real problem with _____.

  • The myth about ____ . 

  • The thing _____ aren’t telling you about _____

  • I quit ______, here’s why:

  • If you’re still doing _______, you’ll be falling short on your weight loss goal.

The Cliffhanger, Opinion or Bold Claim. 

“The Thing In Your Tuna Sandwich that’s Causing Cancer … Coming up on your NIGHTLY NEWS”

List / Tip Hooks: Hits the dopamine and tells people they need what you’re saying

  • The 10 Steps to _____

  • The 5 things I did that tripled my growth this year

  • 7 Reasons ____ isn't’ working

  • 15 lessons I learned getting X result in 2022

  • The only 3 things you need to do if you want _______

Humans love to connect the dots. Make your information easy to digest. If you have a LONG post, the brain says it’s too hard to read. Build authority, but make it easy to read. Small promises work too - don’t go too BIG.


Let’s Go!

xo- KG