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The Secret To Personal Branding Success As A Real Estate Professional

Do you have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

Crafting your USP is one crucial (but often overlooked) step when creating your personal brand as a real estate professional.

It’s not enough anymore to just brand yourself as a real estate agent!

You need to create a WOW and HOW statement- which quickly describes what you do specifically for the people that you serve.

Need help creating your USP? Here’s a few examples.

  1.   I’m ex-military turned realtor, making sure veterans achieve their real estate goals with VA loans.
  2. I’m a previous underwriting manager turned realtor who’s very knowledgeable on putting good, safe, and sound contracts together for homebuyers.
  3. I’m a realtor with a sharp interior design eye. I use my staging skills to get your property sold for the absolute BEST price.

Notice that each one of the examples includes the first part: Who you are, and the second: What you can do for the people you work with/for.

If you can nail your WOW/HOW Unique Selling Proposition: You’ll win every time.

Let’s Go!

xo –  KG