Home Organization Tips For The School Year

26, July, 2024

As a new school year approaches, it’s time for homeowners to transition their homes from the laid-back summer mode to a more structured school mode.

With kids going back to school, the house needs to be ready to handle homework, school projects, and the daily hustle of school life. Here are some home organization tips to help you prepare your home for the school year.

Set up dedicated homework spaces

Parent organizing and labeling boxes in living room to prepare for new school year.

Creating dedicated homework spaces is essential for maintaining a productive environment for your kids. Instead of having them do their homework at the kitchen table amidst the evening chaos, set up a quiet corner in the house where they can focus.

Tips for creating homework spaces

  • Choose a Quiet Area: Find a spot away from high-traffic areas. A corner in the living room or a nook in the hallway can work well.
  • Stock Up on Supplies: Keep all necessary supplies like pencils, paper, calculators, and chargers in one place. A caddy or a small set of drawers can help keep things organized.
  • Comfortable Seating: Ensure that the seating is comfortable and the desk is at an appropriate height for your child.
  • Good Lighting: Adequate lighting is crucial. Use a desk lamp if natural light isn’t sufficient.

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Reorganize kids’ bedrooms

After a summer of sleepovers, playdates, and less structured routines, kids' bedrooms might need a reset. Here’s how you can tackle the clutter and create a more organized space.

Tips for reorganizing bedrooms

  • Declutter: Go through toys, clothes, and books. Donate or store away items that are no longer used.
  • Utilize Storage Space: Use under-bed storage boxes, hanging organizers, and shelves to maximize storage space.
  • Set Up a Study Area: If space allows, create a small study area in their bedroom with a desk and chair.
  • Maintain a Routine: Establish a daily routine for making the bed and tidying up to keep the room organized.

Organize the playroom

The playroom often becomes a dumping ground for toys during the summer. As school starts, it’s time to bring some order to the chaos.

Tips for organizing the playroom

  • Sort and Categorize: Group toys by category and store them in labeled bins or baskets.
  • Create Zones: Designate different areas for different activities, such as a reading corner, a building area, and an arts and crafts station.
  • Rotate Toys: To keep the playroom from becoming overcrowded, rotate toys every few months.
  • Encourage Cleanup: Teach your kids to put away their toys after playing. Make it a fun activity by turning it into a game.

Optimize the kitchen for after-school snacks

The kitchen is a hub of activity, especially after school when kids come home hungry. Organizing your kitchen can make it easier to prepare snacks and meals.

Tips for kitchen organization

  • Stock Healthy Snacks: Keep healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, and granola bars in easy-to-reach places.
  • Organize Kitchen Cabinets: Use clear containers to store snacks and label them for easy identification.
  • Create a Snack Station: Designate a specific cabinet or shelf for after-school snacks so kids can help themselves without rummaging through the entire kitchen.
  • Use the Junk Drawer Wisely: Instead of letting the junk drawer become a catch-all for miscellaneous items, use it for essential items like scissors, tape, and notepads.

Utilize extra space and storage solutions

Finding extra space in your home can be challenging, but with a bit of creativity, you can uncover hidden storage opportunities.

Tips for finding extra space

  • Use Vertical Space: Install shelves or hanging organizers on walls to free up floor space.
  • Multi-Purpose Furniture: Opt for furniture that serves multiple purposes, such as a bench with storage or a coffee table with drawers.
  • Closet Organization: Invest in closet organizers to maximize storage space in bedrooms and hallways.
  • Consult a Professional Organizer: If you’re struggling with clutter, consider hiring a professional organizer for personalized home organization ideas and solutions.

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Final thoughts

Transitioning your home from summer mode to school mode doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By setting up dedicated homework spaces, reorganizing bedrooms and playrooms, optimizing the kitchen for after-school snacks, and utilizing extra space, you can create a more organized and efficient home environment.

These home organization tips will not only help your kids succeed in school but also make your daily routines smoother and more enjoyable. Start implementing these ideas today and see the difference they make in your home.